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  • Thursday 25 July 2024 Start of term arrangements Monday 2 September & Tuesday 3 September 2024INSET days (no students in school)Wednesday 4 SeptemberStudents return to school
  • Thursday 18 July 2024 LaSWAP news for Y11 families This webinar took place on Wednesday 17 July. If you would like the slides, please email me before the end of term.
  • Thursday 18 July 2024 Latest KS5 news and opportunities Whether your child is planning to go to uni, gap year or an apprenticeship, this is the place to find the latest information and opportunities.
  • Monday 15 July 2024 Brutal Walk We would like to thank all the parents and carers who have contributed so generously, both in time and funds, to the Hall for All appeal so far, an initiative which will revitalise the Assembly Hall as a world-class arts and culture venue for both school and community use.
  • Monday 15 July 2024 Creating Excellence awards evening, art exhibition and abPTA barbecue As the end of the Summer term draws to a close, we would like to remind families that we would love to see you at our annual end-of-year celebration event on Friday 19 July 4.30-8pm. The celebration will include student awards for this academic year, the ‘Observe, Seek, Challenge’ art exhibition, student performances and the abPTA barbecue from 5pm. Halal, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options will be available.The full programme for the event has been carefully curated by the Creative Arts Faculty and is available below.
  • Thursday 4 July 2024 LaSWAP enrolment arrangements Please keep an eye on your emails next week as full enrolment arrangements for LaSWAP will be sent out. If you do not receive an email about LaSWAP enrolment, please get in touch with me.
  • Thursday 4 July 2024 Webinar: Next Steps after GCSEs for Y11 families
  • Friday 28 June 2024 New Y10 at RADA The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) are going to be performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream to some students in new Y10 on Tuesday 2 July. This will give an enriching experience of watching Shakespeare being performer by one of the top drama schools in the country.
  • Friday 21 June 2024 KS3 - How to revise for assessments Student assessments are taken in different forms throughout Key Stage 3. This may be an extended piece of homework, a practical, an extended piece of writing in class, an online quiz or a landmark assessment. In preparation for an end of topic or unit assessment, subject teachers generally provide students with a check list to support the topics they should revise.
  • Friday 21 June 2024 Y8 into Y9 Information Evening We are looking forward to welcoming our Y8 parents and carers to our information evening on Wednesday, beginning at 5.30pm. This will be an opportunity for you to gain information on how to support students as they make the transition into Y9.
  • Friday 21 June 2024 LaSWAP Taster Day and remote enrolment LaSWAP Taster Day is coming up next week! Taster Day is the ideal way for students to start to prepare for sixth form. Even if they are not certain they want to attend LaSWAP, it is still an informative day that will help them to decide which subjects and courses they wish to study. It is also an opportunity to hear about options after sixth form.
  • Friday 21 June 2024 New Y11 (Y10) French/Spanish GCSE Speaking mock exam  Monday 24 June periods 1-3 (option A) with Ms Smith
  • Friday 14 June 2024  London Schools Football Cup Win We are amazed by our U15 girls, who won the London-wide Schools Football Cup, beating the other side 2-3 with a last minute goal from Carla C. They represented the best of our school and we are immensely proud of them. Every single one of the players skilfully managed to get the ball in the right place or intervene when the opposition was threatening, communicated well and encouraged one another down to the last minute.
  • Friday 14 June 2024 Headteacher's Letter Please see the latest letter from Headteacher Nicholas John below.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Y10 End of Year exams Y10 students now have 4 weeks to prepare for their end of year exams. Please see the timetable so that students know when each exam is taking place.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Y11 Leavers Celebration donations As we approach the end of the school year, we are excited to celebrate the accomplishments of our Y11 students with a special Leavers Celebration. To make this event truly memorable, we are inviting anyone that would like to contribute to make a donation to our Leavers fund. Your generosity will help with decorations, refreshments, and activities, ensuring a wonderful farewell for our students. Any contribution, no matter the size, will be greatly appreciated and will go a long way in making this celebration a success. Thank you for your continued support.
  • Friday 17 May 2024 LaSWAP Taster Day Mark this date in your diaries for LaSWAP Taster Day! Taster Day allows Y11s to mix with students from across LaSWAP and all over London, learn more about subjects they are interested in, experience A Level and vocational teaching and meet lots of subject teachers and LaSWAP staff. It is a really important day that supports Y11 students to make decisions about the courses they want to take next year.
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Y10 homework focus A reminder that the following core subject homework is due every week for Y10.
  • Friday 17 May 2024 Y11 exam tips Y11 have three core exams next week and then they will have 9 unstructured days over half term in order to prepare for their remaining exams
  • Friday 3 May 2024 A Hall for All fundraising launch On Thursday 25 April, stars from Outnumbered, Friday Night Dinner and Top Boy joined student performers and presenters to kick off the Hall for All fundraising drive. The Hall for All is an ambitious initiative to restore the standalone Brutalist hall as an arts space for community use.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 Ski trip 2025 Friday 14 - Friday 21 February 2025 (five-night stay)Milky-Way-Sestiere, Sauze d’Oulx, Italy The trip is in the price range of £1,400, with a monthly instalment option available over 8 months. (Final cost to be confirmed ASAP).
  • Friday 19 April 2024 Y11 French/Spanish GCSE Speaking exam Please find the dates of the speaking exams (25% of the GCSE grade) that will take place on one of the following dates: Monday 22 April, Tuesday 23 April and Wednesday 24 April.
  • Thursday 28 March 2024 Headteacher's end of term letter Please see below for the end of term letter from the Headteacher.
  • Tuesday 26 March 2024 Easter reading As the end of term approaches, many of us will be trying to find ways to keep our children entertained during the break. Reading is an excellent one and we all know that getting children to jump into another world offers numerous benefits, from expanding their imagination; to fostering empathy; to developing critical thinking skills. But, finding the right book to captivate our young people can be tricky and might need some persistence.
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Meet our new Parent Governors We would like to congratulate Sebastian Gardiner and Monét St.Rose-Johnson on their new appointments as Parent Governors. We'd also like to thank Natalie Leroy for standing in the election and every family who took the time to cast their vote. A reminder of the new Governors' statements are below.
  • Friday 22 March 2024 Y11 Maths revision calendar Please see below for the March revision calendar which also has been posted on Show My Homework.
  • Friday 15 March 2024 Y13 sociology opportunity All Y13 sociology students at Acland Burghley will be attending a research methods conference on Monday 18 March at period 4. We have two Academic researchers who will be presenting work that they have carried out with specific links to the research methods topic we cover at A level.
  • Friday 8 March 2024 Parent Governor elections Parent Governor elections letter March 2024
  • Friday 8 March 2024 New Y10 Year Team Leader Further to Mr John’s letter in January I am writing to let you know that we have appointed Mr O’Malley as the Y10 Year Team Leader and he will take up his post in April.
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