Acland Burghley School

Y10 Information Evening

It was wonderful to see so many Y10s and their families at the Information Evening yesterday. The PowerPoint we used and the booklet we shared are both on the Y10 page of the school website. Once you have had a look at these please do get in touch if you have any further questions for the Y10 team.

Y11 revision opportunities

Below is a summary of the revision sessions offered to Y11 next week. The two-week timetable can be found on the Y11 page of the school website, along with the full exam timetable.

Morning revision sessions will begin by 8.15am and are an excellent opportunity to get into the mind set of the day’s exam.


Before school


After school

Mon 22 May

Science canteen

Psychology YG4


Sociology Y3C

French R3C

Spanish R3B

Tue 23 May


Religious Studies R2B

English Y1D

Maths G2A, G2C, G1A

English Y1A, Y1C, Y2C, Y1B

Wed 24 May

English canteen


Psychology Media Lab

Business Y3A

Physics S2

Thu 25 May

Science canteen

Business ML1, ML2

Psychology Media Lab

French R3C

Business ML1, ML2

Fri 26 May

Psychology YG4




Business Y3A


The May Half Term menu of revision opportunities is also on the Y11 page.

As the weather gets warmer I would like to remind you once again that students sitting an exam must bring a reusable water bottle into school, and that wearing layers that can be taken off or put back on will be the best way to stay comfortable.

We are very proud of the work Y11s have already produced in their exams and we cannot wait to what they achieve.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning  KS4
Extension number: 3037