KS3 Cross Country

Parliament Hill Fields and Hampstead Heath  
Monday 27 January-Thursday 30 January

Dear parents, carers and families,

As part of the KS3 Physical Education Curriculum, students will be completing a scheme of learning in health-related fitness. This scheme will introduce all students to different ways of exercising, outside of competitive team sports. Students have been learning that to be healthy, they need to consider all aspects including physical, social and mental health. 

As part of this scheme, students in Y7-Y9 will be participating in cross country running in between the above dates during their timetabled PE lessons to consider the impact of Fartlek Training, going at different speeds and across different terrain.  

We will be going offsite to Parliament Hill over the scheduled days to complete the lessons. PE staff run and supervise the course with the students. 

The route that we undertake will be over different surfaces, so some areas are very muddy, therefore students should bring a complete change of clothes and shoes to change into back at school as their PE kit and extra clothes may be muddy by the end of the run.  

To support preparation for this lesson your child will need the following equipment: 

  • Their full PE kit  PE top, black shorts, sports socks, tracksuit bottoms, hoodie
  • Old trainers that they do not mind getting muddy to run in. These should be separate from the shoes they wear to school on the day.
  • Coat to keep them warm on the walk to and from Parliament Hill
  • Hat to retain the heat generated during the run
  • Water to stay hydrated
  • A towel and or wipes to clean any excess mud

As with all of our lessons, we have high expectations of students and want them to participate to the best of their ability. In line with our department policy, if students are unable to participate through illness or injury, a note outlining the reason should be put in student planners. As all of our PE staff are involved in the supervision of students who will be running, those with notes will still be expected to walk to and from the venue with the group and stand outside for the lesson duration supervised by a member of staff. Therefore, please ensure that they have warm clothes and a coat on the day.   

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's PE teacher prior to the day.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Yours faithfully, 

Physical Education Department