At Acland Burghley School our values underpin our expectations of all aspects of the behaviour of young people and adults. We have the highest expectations of behaviour from everyone in school, so that we can create a calm, safe and supportive environment which is conducive to excellent learning.
We aim to provide the highest standard of education for young people aged 11-18 in a mixed, community, comprehensive setting. We are comprehensive not only in intake, but also in educational outlook, believing that a broad, engaging curriculum offer is a driver for academic excellence for all. We encourage creativity to enable students to navigate the joys and complexities of modern life and the world of work. Our community ethos challenges students to develop a profound sense of personal responsibility and global awareness. In becoming highly skilled, self-regulating young adults, our students are equipped to realise their own exceptional potential – for themselves, their families and the society in which we live.
A statement of our approach to student behaviour is further discussed in the document entitled Our Learning Community. This document is in every student planner, is posted on walls around the school, is held in every tutor room and every SLT and year team office, and forms the key part of the Home-School Contract.
Our Behaviour Policy is summed up in 3 clear rules which are promoted at every possible moment to students and families in order to create a calm, orderly and safe learning community in which every student can thrive. The rules are:
Rule 1: Ready to Learn and Achieve
1) Be punctual, enter quietly and be ready to start work.
2) Sit in the seating plan or where your teacher tells you to. Sit up straight and face forward, no swinging.
3) Coats off, hats off and bags down.
4) Phones and electronic devices are always switched off and, in your bag.
5) Must have all equipment out on your desk – pencil case, planner and any homework.
6) Remain in the classroom.
7) Follow all instructions first time.
8) Don’t speak when others are speaking. Listen to what is being said.
9) Work in focused silence when asked to.
10) Take pride in your work.
11) Focus on the learning and work to the best of your ability, making positive contributions.
12) Show respect to everyone in the classroom.
13) Show self-regulation.
14) Do not throw anything.
15) No eating/gum in any classrooms. Water only.
16) Pack up, stand silently behind your chair ready to be dismissed by your teacher.
Rule 2: Calm and Purposeful
1) Keep left in corridors and one way only in the science corridor.
2) No running inside. Running is only allowed on the top pitch, AstroTurf, Sports Hall or Gym.
3) Ball games only in designated areas. Balls must be in a bag inside.
4) No gathering in large groups.
5) No loud noises inside. Be mindful of others learning in a calm and purposeful environment.
6) Do not touch others and be mindful of personal space – this includes having your arm around another person, pushing and shoving.
7) No boisterous behaviour, including playfighting.
8) Eating is only allowed in the canteens or at the picnic benches. You are not allowed to eat in corridors. Water only. No gum.
9) Do not enter out of bounds areas. At break and lunch, you should be outside.
10) Follow all instructions first time.
11) Be polite and show good manners – hold doors open and let others pass.
12) Phones and electronic devices are always switched off and, in your bag.
13) Do not throw anything, except in PE.
Rule 3: Culture of Kindness and Respect
1) Always show kindness and respect to all members of our community.
2) Do not use rude or abusive language to anyone, ever.
3) Do not touch others and be mindful of personal space – this includes having your arm around another person, pushing and shoving.
4) No boisterous behaviour, including playfighting.
5) Behave well outside of school and in the local community, e.g. on your way to and from school, when representing the school on trips, in the community at other times, and online/when using mobile phones.
6) Do not behave in ways which might put at risk or harm the wellbeing, health or safety of you or others.
7) Report anything that you are worried or concerned about either anonymously or to a member of staff.
8) When something has gone wrong, it is important to reflect on what went wrong and what you can do better next time. Restoratives are a key part of becoming a self-regulating person that is in control of themselves. It is expected that you attend restoratives with staff and students when asked to.