Acland Burghley School

Y10 mid-year assessments

We are very proud of all of the Y10 students and the resilience they have shown with their learning in the mid-year assessments. You will receive your next report for your child in the week of the 13 March and at this point you can review your child’s progress towards their target grades. Well done Y10!


Y11 Revision

It was wonderful to welcome over two thirds of our Y11 students into school over the half term break. We are already working on plans for Easter revision sessions and have asked students what they would find most beneficial.

A reminder of the key dates coming up for Y11

  • Thursday 3 March: maths paper 1 mock exam
  • Wednesday 14 March–Friday 17 March: March mock exams

At the moment we would expect all students to be making use of the detailed subject information they have received which is on the Y11 page of the website. Students should now be completing two 45 minute bursts of revision on weekdays and four or five 45minute sessions at the weekend. Some may need your support with basic organisation of their room and notes; now might be a good time to make sure they have the stationery and folders required.

A reminder of the additional classes open to all Y11 students before and after school:

Before school revision

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.15am: maths revision

Lunch time revision






Psychology: YG4

Art: Art 1


Art: Art 1

Business: Y3D

Spanish: R3B

Sports Science: PE1


After school revision






French: R2C

Spanish: R2D

Drama: YG2

Maths (invited students): G1A and G1B

Sports Science: PE1

Music: MU1

Maths: maths rooms




English: Y1D




Science: S2

Music: MU1

Business (girls’ group): Y3A



sixth form area and YG4

Art: Art 1

Science (invited students): S3

Spanish: R3D

Dance students should book their practical rehearsals at lunchtime or after school with Mr Williams.


Our school library is open from 8.15am each morning, at break and lunchtimes, and afterschool until 4.15pm.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037