Support for Y11 in the Summer Term

A booklet of information has been collated on the advance information and can be found on the Y11 page. This information has details about the key topics students need to prepare for as well as links to useful resources and tips on how to complete effective revision. You and your child should be regularly referring to this booklet in order to structure their revision.

The following out of lesson revision opportunities are currently available. Please continue to check the website as it gets updated.








Before School

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B


Drama: GGA

Art: Art 1

Geography: R1A

Art: Art 1


After School


Maths: maths rooms

English: English rooms

Business: Y3A

Science: science rooms

Psychology: YG4


In addition to this the school library will be open every Saturday from 10am until 1pm for students to complete independent revision

Please note the following key dates for Y11 for this term:

  • Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 May: Art exam
  • Thursday 5–Monday 6 May: Languages speaking exams
  • Friday 6 May: payments due for July trips, hoodies, and year books
  • Monday 16 May: public exams start (timetable on school website)
  • Monday 27–Wednesday 29 June: summer term trips
  • Friday 1 July: Y11 Prom

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning KS4
Extension number: 3037