Open Week 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming Year 6 families to our Open Week. Please see below for details.

Open Mornings

Tuesday 24  September 9-10.30am
Wednesday 25 September 9-10.30am
Thursday 26  September 9-10.30am

Want to see the school on a regular day? Open Mornings are a great way to see the school live in action. Teachers will be happy to receive you in their classrooms on your tour around the school and you be able to watch classes being delivered across the curriculum subjects. There will also be speeches from the Headteacher and the Head of School in the Assembly Hall. No need to book.

Open Evening

Wednesday 25 September 5-7pm 

Want to meet the teachers and Senior Leaders? Open Evening is a good time to have more detailed discussions with individual teachers and other members of staff. You will be taken on tours of the school by a dedicated team of student ambassadors and will be able to have in depth conversations with subject teachers in their classrooms. There will also be four time slots for the Headteacher's speech in the Assembly Hall and the opportunity to speak with the Headteacher and Head of School afterwards. No need to book.

Why not attend both?

You are more than welcome to attend both an Open Morning and the Open Evening and may attend as many Open Mornings as you wish. No need to book for either event. We look forward to seeing you!

Virtual Open Week

You may wish to visit us virtually instead. The virtual sessions will include talks by the Headteacher, Head of School and another member of the senior leadership team. The dates of the virtual sessions will be published closer to the time. 

Acland Burghley girls in life video


Year 5 EHCP student tours/Q&A 

We encourage and welcome all parents considering Acland Burghley for their child to attend one of our Open Mornings, or to attend our Open Evening. This will give you a valuable insight into our whole school approach for students with Additional Educational Needs (AEN). 
The AEN Team will be available to answer questions on both Open Mornings and during the Open Evening. 

The AEN team also run two open mornings in May every year. The actual dates will be released closer to the time. This is for families who have a child is in year 5, has an EHCP, and are considering Acland Burghley School in year 7.

There will be two tours taking place on both days that will run from either 9am-9.45am or 9.45am-10.30am. Families will have a tour of the school in a small group and then have an opportunity to ask questions to our SENDCo.

Contact us

If you have any queries please email where we will be happy to answer your questions.