Acland Burghley School

New Y11 revision timetables

During Monday’s Personal Development session all new Y11 started their revision timetables with guidance from their tutor. Please ask to see your child’s and check in with them regularly to see that they are sticking with it or to make adaptations if it is not working.

We spoke in assembly this week about the importance of spacing revision so that information gets embedded in long term memory; we encourage students to work in half hour to 45 minute bursts on one subject before taking a short break. Each burst should result in something being produced; do encourage your child to show you what this is for a particular subject.

A reminder of the after school sessions which are running this half term for New Y11

Mondays: Action Tutoring (selected students)

Tuesdays: Maths

Wednesdays: English and Psychology

Thursdays: Science

There is planned industrial action on two days of the end of year exams. The exams will run almost as scheduled although there will be change to the order of the exams on Friday 7 July. On both days all students attend school at the normal time but when students have finished their exams on that day they will be permitted to leave school. The library will be open all day for any students who wish to complete their own independent study. The adjusted timetable has been uploaded to the new Y11 page of the school website.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037