New Y11 end of year exams
We really enjoyed sending off New Y11 to their work experience interviews yesterday and we know they are looking forward to their placements.
Before they can complete these they will be focussed on their end of year exams. All students have the collated information about what is being covered and this is also on the New Y11 page of the school website.
Many of our students have already taken advantage of the after school revision
Mondays: Action Tutoring (selected students)
Tuesdays: Maths
Wednesdays: English
Thursdays: Science
Students will also now be completing their own revision at home. Please do remember that in most cases this will be in blocks of approximately 45 minutes before taking a short break. For every block of revision, they should produce something; for example summarising what they have read, a practice essay or plan for one, or past paper questions on a topic.
Please do speak with your child’s tutor or subject teacher if you feel they need any further support organising their revision.
Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037