New Y11 end of year exams
We are proud of how the new Y11 cohort have conducted themselves in their end of year exams so far. We know that this period presents challenges but we can also see that the students are keen to rise to them.
The exam timetable for next week is on the new Y11 page of the school website. Please continue to re-visit this with your child so that they know what is ahead of them each day.
We are encouraging all children to eat breakfast in the morning and buy or bring a snack for break time. All children should also have a water bottle so that they can stay hydrated during the exams.
We are looking forward to marking their work and seeing how much they have learnt and achieved this year; you will receive a report about their progress once we return in September.
Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037