A Level and Level 3 Vocational Results Day

Thursday 15 August

Students can collect their A level and Level 3 Vocational results from the joint Sixth Form building at Parliament Hill 8am-12.30pm on Thursday 15 August.

There will be LaSWAP staff on hand to support with Clearing or any other post-results queries. I will also be available at LaSWAP on Friday16 August from 9.30am to help with Clearing and pathways.

Please email me if you would like a copy of my Clearing Explained slides, or find the recoding of the webinar on our YouTube channel (details below).

Please note GCSE results are released the following week on Thursday 22 August.

Summer and Autumn term arrangements for sixth form

Please note the following arrangements.

End of summer term

Monday 22 July

  • Acland Burghley: no lessons. Transition meetings to be arranged with tutor.
  • William Ellis: no lessons.
  • Parliament Hill: lessons as normal.
  • La Sainte Union: lessons as normal.

Tuesday 23 July

  • All schools: lessons as normal

There are a limited number of end of year sporting activities available on Tuesday P3 and 4, and rounders available to all P5.  Students must fill in a Form if they wish to take part: https://forms.office.com/e/3D7Ym9jWU0

Students who are not taking part must attend lessons.

Start of Autumn term dates

  • Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 September: INSET Days
  • Wednesday 4 September: start of term, Y12 Induction begins
  • Thursday 5 September: first day of teaching for Y13
  • Monday 9 September: first day of teaching for new Y12

Request for LaSWAP Early Entry support

  • Did you interview for your university place?
  • Did you attend university and study humanities, social science or STEM?
  • Did you attend medical, dental or veterinary school?
  • Would you be comfortable leading an academic conversation with a Y13 student?

If you can answer yes to any of these, LaSWAP needs your help!

We are hoping to host an evening of mock interviews for our early entry university applicants in early November 2024, offering our students a short mock interview and some feedback. You don’t need to have conducted an academic interview before – you just need to be happy leading a conversation with a young person, helping them to get some experience of an academic discussion and providing some feedback. We will provide information, support, exemplar questions etc.

If you would like to be involved, please get in touch.  I will arrange an online information session in the new academic year.

Webinars: UCAS and Clearing for students and families

The recording of these webinars are available on the LaSWAP YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@laswapconsortium

Please email me for the slides or feel free to contact me with any pathways queries.


Y12 and Y13 opportunities

Summer-curricular summer ideas

Summer of Y12 is the ideal time for students to start planning their personal statements and deciding what they want to do post-18. Although university summer schools are now booked up, there are still lots of things students can do over the six week break.

Universities and employers are increasingly looking for evidence that students are studying and learning outside the classroom  super-curricular engagement. They will be looking for this in statements, interviews and on CVs. Here are a few ways to start to build a super-curricular profile:

  • Choose a non-social media news source and check it every day. The BBC has strict rules about bias, but it can also be interesting to read other sources and compare how they report the news.
  • Use Unifrog or Grofar to create University and apprenticeship shortlists

Work Experience

Online NHS Work Experience
6-8 August

A great way for aspiring medics and dentists to get some Work Experience over the Summer. Sign up here – if it shows as full, please join the waitlist: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nhs-gp-work-experience-summer-holiday-online-tickets-802592815717?aff=oddtdtcreator

Apprenticeship, careers and work experience opportunities

You can find the LaSWAP Very Quick Guide to Apprenticeships at: https://www.laswap.camden.sch.uk/Quick-guide-to-apprenticeships/

Camden apprenticeships

Camden apprenticeships are ONLY open to residents and Camden school students (current or former). Register in the new Camden portal for more information, to sign up for alerts and to apply for roles: https://shorturl.at/qxMWY

Laura Pearcey (Stanley)
Associate Director of LaSWAP/Pathways and Progress Leader
