LaSWAP Taster day for Y11

Friday 1 July at LSU

On Friday 1 July, there will be a LaSWAP taster day for Y11s. This is a great opportunity for students to:  

  • Try out 3 taster sessions for their subject choices in sixth form
  • Find out more about the LaSWAP induction programme
  • How and what to prepare over summer for their first lessons at LaSWAP

Could all students meet by the Acland Burghley amphitheatre for 8.30am. Acland Burghley staff will then escort students to LSU for the start of the day.  

Morning sessions finish just after 12 noon so there will be plenty of time for students to prepare for prom in the afternoon! 

A letter and invitation have been sent out to parents/carers. If you have not received this or have any further questions, please find my email below.   

Michael Luu 
KS5 Student Progress and Pathways Leader