Acland Burghley School

LaSWAP Enrolment Arrangements

Thursday 25 August

Students can collect their GCSE results from Acland Burghley on Thursday 25 August from 10am. We will be enrolling Acland Burghley students from this time.  We will attempt to enrol as many students as possible on the Thursday; enrolment is a quick process in most cases and if possible, students should wait after collecting their results. Enrolment will also be available at the LaSWAP building on Highgate Road from 9.30am on Friday 26 August.

Please be aware that some popular courses can fill up quickly.

Laura Stanley and Glen Thomson will be available on Results Day to advise on next steps and ensure students access the correct pathway for them.

If your child cannot attend results day, they can nominate someone to collect their results for them or to receive their results by email.  This must be requested in advance by emailing Ms Sevilla:

If your child cannot attend enrolment in person, they can request a remote enrolment on Tuesday 30 or Wednesday 31 August by emailing Ms Stanley in advance:

You can find more information on enrolment on the slides from our webinar on the Y12 page of the Acland Burghley website, under New Y12 Post-16 Information webinar: You can email Ms Stanley for a copy if you prefer. A recording of the webinar is also available on our YouTube channel:

Please contact me if you have any questions about LaSWAP enrolment or post-16 pathways.

Laura Stanley
Pathways and Progress Leader