Acland Burghley School

COVID Vaccine

Dear Parents, Carers and Families,

The NHS is offering COVID-19 vaccine to children and young people. This includes two doses, 8 weeks apart, for those aged 12 to 17 years at increased risk from infection.

All other young people aged 12 to 17 years will be offered a first dose of the vaccine. Those aged 16 and 17 will be contacted by a local NHS service such as a GP surgery to book their 1st dose of the vaccine. Or alternatively young people aged 16 and 17 can: book their COVID-19 vaccination appointments online for an appointment at a vaccination centre or pharmacy. Or find a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination site to get vaccinated without needing an appointment.

All children aged 12 to 15 will be offered a 1st dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and will be given their vaccine at school on Monday 18 October 2021 providing consent has been given. Any issues related to consent will be handled directly with families by the vaccination service. The school will only be issuing and collecting consent forms on behalf of the vaccination service.

If your child is in Y7 and is 11 years old or in Y11 and is 16 years old they will NOT be able to get the COVID vaccine in school.

Covid 19 vaccination consent form have been posted home, copy can be found via the link below.  These forms will need to be returned to the school office by Wednesday 13 October 2021.

The latest guidance relating to the Covid 19 vaccination for your child can be found on our website and by following the link below:

Acland Burghley School - Coronavirus