KS3 News
Friday 20 September 2024 KS3 dates for your diary I would like to take this opportunity to inform parents of some key dates throughout the academic year.
Friday 13 September 2024 Y7 Introduction to the OAE On Wednesday 18 September, all Y7 students will be taking part in a one hour workshop introducing them to our wonderful residenarimington@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk orchestra, The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE). The X side of the year will do their workshop during period 3 and the Y side during period 4.
Friday 28 June 2024 New Y10 at RADA The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) are going to be performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream to some students in new Y10 on Tuesday 2 July. This will give an enriching experience of watching Shakespeare being performer by one of the top drama schools in the country.
Friday 21 June 2024 KS3 - How to revise for assessments Student assessments are taken in different forms throughout Key Stage 3. This may be an extended piece of homework, a practical, an extended piece of writing in class, an online quiz or a landmark assessment. In preparation for an end of topic or unit assessment, subject teachers generally provide students with a check list to support the topics they should revise.
Friday 21 June 2024 Y8 into Y9 Information Evening We are looking forward to welcoming our Y8 parents and carers to our information evening on Wednesday, beginning at 5.30pm. This will be an opportunity for you to gain information on how to support students as they make the transition into Y9.
Friday 23 February 2024 The British Library Trip We've been fortunate to engage with The British Library and their Learning Department by attending the Malorie Blackman exhibition on 11 January 2024, which then led to a further invite to attend a live in-person Q and A event with her at The British Library on 19 February 2024.
Friday 9 February 2024 Y9 - Pathways Launch The next few months are a very important time for students in the Y9 cohort as they embark on the next stage of their education. Whilst it may still seem pretty early on in the year for the students, they will soon be making important decisions around their pathways and choices as they start the move from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4.
Friday 2 February 2024 KS3 dates for your diary I would like to take this opportunity to inform parents of some key dates throughout the academic year.
Monday 29 January 2024 Y9 Parents' Evening We are looking forward to welcoming all Y7 families to the school on Thursday 1 February for Y9 Parents’ Evening 4.30pm-7pm.
Friday 15 December 2023 Y7 Parents' Evening We are looking forward to welcoming all Y7 families to the school on Thursday 25 January for Y7 Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.
Friday 15 December 2023 Y7-Y9 cross country runs in PE lessons Any students unable to complete the course due to sickness or injury will still need to accompany the other students to the heath so will need warm clothing as well. Best wishes
Friday 3 November 2023 Y8 Parents' Evening We are looking forward to welcoming all families to the school on Thursday 7 December for Y8 Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.
Friday 3 November 2023 Y7 and Y8 Reading Age Assessments I would like to firstly introduce myself as the new Librarian and Curriculum Support Team Manager for Creative Arts and Science.
Friday 3 November 2023 Y9 - Synoptic Assessments Please find attached the timetable for the Y9 non-core subject assessments that will be taking place on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 November.
Friday 29 September 2023 Y7 Settling in Event We are looking forward to welcoming families of our new Y7 cohort for their ‘Settling in Conversations’ on Thursday 12 October. Students were given their appointment time letters to bring home to families by Friday 6 October. If you have not yet received this, please do contact the relevant form tutor (listed below and on the Y7 page) to confirm your time.
Friday 29 September 2023 KS3 key dates and assessments Please see below the key dates that are scheduled for Key Stage 3. At Parents’ Evening you will receive a written report as well as being able to speak to individual subject teachers regarding progress.
Friday 22 September 2023 Y7 Introduction to the OAE On Wednesday 27 September ALL Y7 students will be taking part in a one hour workshop introducing them to our wonderful resident orchestra, The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE) The Y side of the year will do their workshop during period 3 and the X side during period 4. In period 5 on the same day, there is an opportunity for all students who play instruments outside school to take part in a fun jamming session with the OAE and find out more about music opportunities at Acland Burghley. If your child plays an instrument, please can they bring it into school on this day. Instruments must be in a case and labelled with full name and tutor group. If your child plays the piano, please email me by 25 September so we can plan for keyboards. We will make arrangements for any student who is not able to carry their instrument with them during the day to store them until period 5. We know we have over 70 students in Y7 who play instruments outside school and we are delighted to start m
Friday 22 September 2023 Languages Summer Challenge success Students in KS3 were given a variety of tasks to choose from to keep up with their language learning over the summer break. We have been very pleased with the breadth of activities undertaken with special mention to the following students.
Tuesday 27 June 2023 New Y7 Induction Day Although there is planned strike action on Wednesday 5 July, we will still be welcoming students to the school. We have however revised the timing and programme for the day. Please see Ms Parkin's latest letter below.
Friday 12 May 2023 Y8 HPV 2nd dose We are writing to inform you about Y8 HPV 2nd dose Vaccination taking place in school on Friday 26 May 2023.
Friday 5 May 2023 Y8 - Core Subject Information Evening We are looking forward to seeing Y8 parents and carers at the Core Subject Information Evening on Thursday 11 May beginning at 5.30pm.
Friday 31 March 2023 KS3 - how to revise for assessments Student assessments are taken in different forms throughout Key Stage 3. This may be an extended piece of homework, a practical, an extended piece of writing in class, an online quiz or a landmark assessment. In preparation for an end of topic or unit assessment, subject teachers generally provide students with a checklist to support the topics they should revise.
Friday 31 March 2023 Y9 Exams Please see below for the amended timetable for the Y9 Exams that will be taking place when we return from the Easter Holidays. Students will be continuing their journey and transition to Key Stage 4 during this week with exams in formal conditions.
Friday 10 March 2023 Y9 teenage booster vaccination
Friday 3 March 2023 Y7 Parents' Evening We are looking forward to welcoming Y7 families to Parents’ Evening on Thursday 9 March from 4.30pm to 7pm.
Friday 3 March 2023 Y9 Exams The Y9 cohort are working hard in lessons and tutor times preparing for their forthcoming Y9 exams in April.
Friday 10 February 2023 Y7 Parents' Evening change of date Y7 Parents’ Evening was scheduled to take place on Thursday 2 March. In the event that planned strikes go ahead for schools on this date, we have rescheduled this important evening to Thursday 9 March – please amend your diaries as necessary to reflect this change.
Friday 20 January 2023 Y9 Pathways update Thank you to all families that attended the pathways event on 12 January.
Friday 6 January 2023 Y8 Parents' Evening We are looking forward to welcoming all families to the school on Thursday 26 January for Y8 Parents’ Evening from 4.30pm to 7.00pm.
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