Acland Burghley School

Y9 teenage booster vaccination

Thursday 30 March 2023
We are writing to inform you about Y9 teenage booster vaccination, which is being offered to all Y9 girls and boys.

The immunisation team will be coming into school on Thursday 30 March 2023. Further information on this vaccination and how to e-consent is in the NHS letter below.
There is a new way for parents/carers to consent to their child’s school-aged vaccinations. The new electronic consent (e-consent) process is easy, secure and convenient. We cannot accept email or written permissions for this. If no consent is received your child will not be given the vaccine.
If you require help on this or struggle to fill out the e-consent please contact the immunisation team. Telephone: 020 3317 5076 (Immunisation office) or 020 3317 5074 (Immunisation Nurse).
Deadline to complete e-consent is Monday 27 March 2023.
Central Administration Team
Td IPV and MenACWY teenage booster parent letter