Acland Burghley School

Y9 Examinations

Monday 17 to Friday 21 April

The Y9 cohort are working hard in lessons and tutor times preparing for their forthcoming Y9 exams in April.

Students have been creating their own revision timetables and are developing study habits with their tutors to build their independent learning.

Why do we do the exams in Y9?

We value the processes that the exams give in preparing Y9 students for the transition into Key Stage 4. In our experience students are used to sitting assessments in their familiar classroom environments but we need to allow them to practice what they will be doing at the end of Y11.

Starting this process early allows students to have numerous practices with the routines that are associated with exams.  The repetitive nature of this process alleviates nerves, familiarises students with working in timed conditions and, enables them to develop resilience in formalised conditions.

In addition, for students where access arrangements are applied, understanding how to effectively use these arrangements can begin at an early stage.

What should my child expect?

Students will practice getting into the exam hall and sitting their exams, as they would in Y11. This means formal conditions – no talking from entry to the hall, seating plans according to candidate numbers, external invigilators and timed conditions.

As with external examinations, it will be compulsory for students to switch their phones off prior to entering the exam hall and, hand them in for collection for the duration of the exam.

How many exams will my child complete?

All students will sit exams in the 3 core subjects. This will be a total of 5 exams – English (Language and Literature), Maths (Calculator and Non-Calculator) and Science.

In addition to the core subjects, students will then only sit exams in the options that they have chosen for Key Stage 4. The subjects to be examined are History, Geography, RE, Latin, French and Spanish.

If your child has selected subjects that are not listed above, then there will not be a formal exam in this subject.

All students will complete a minimum of 6 exams - English Literature, English Language, Maths (calculator and non-calculator) Science and their chosen Humanities subject.

Some students will then take between 7 and 9 exams. See below for some examples:

  • Student A (7)This would include the 5 core subjects + History and French (2 options)
  • Student B (8)This would include the 5 core subjects + History + Spanish and Geography (3 options)
  • Student C (9) This would include the 5 core subjects +Geography + History + Spanish and Latin (4 options)

The timetable for the week is below.
Y9 April Exams 17-21 April 2023

As always please do contact me or any member of the Y9 team should you need any further guidance and support. 

Annie Parkin
Director of Learning 
Extension number: 3049