Acland Burghley School

Y11 reports and Y10 Information Evening follow up

It was so fantastic to see Y11 with their families on Thursday Evening and I hope that all of you found this event as useful as I did as a classroom teacher. On the evening you all received a copy of your child’s report and if you were not able to attend this will be posted home. Unfortunately we were not able to share the reference grade reports yesterday. We will send these home next week but if you do need them for applications in the meantime please contact Syed Ali (


Y10 Parent Information Evening follow up

We really enjoyed welcoming families in to see us on Monday evening. Thank you to all of you who joined us and we hope you found the evening informative. For those of you who were not able to attend; please see the main points below.


Please do get in touch with your child’s tutor, Ms Rivard-Morton, Ms Louka or myself if there is anything else we can do to support your child in Y10.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning KS4
Extension number: 3037