Acland Burghley School

Y11 key dates

We were very impressed with the attitude of Y11 in their maths mock exam yesterday. Students were very absolutely ready to learn in their revision sessions and very focussed in the exam hall itself. We know they will now be working hard to replicate this in their March mock exams taking place in two weeks time.

Below are the key dates for Y11. We will share their full public examination timetables at the end of this term.

Wednesday 15 March-Friday 17 March: March mock exams

Monday 17 April period 5: Biology 2 mock exam

Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 April: Art final exam

Week of 24 April: Languages final speaking exams

Week of 15 May: Public written exams start

All students must be available to sit exams until Wednesday 28 June (contingency day).

We have been speaking to students about the fact that how they now the balance of their structured time in school and unstructured time out of school is shifting. They have evenings, weekends, the Easter break, the May bank holidays and May half term all available to them to complete independent revision. They need to be building up their revision habits. In order to make something a habit it needs to be well defined so all students should have a revision timetable that is manageable and that they stick to. It should take into account the breaks they need and the times they spend pursuing their other interests (like sport or time with family). Ideally it would have not only the subject they will study during a particular time but the topics they need to cover in order to focus on the areas they most need. You can support your child by asking to see their revision timetable, checking that it is reasonable and has sufficient detail, and reminding them to stick to it. Of course at the end of a 45 minute block of revision on a topic they should be able to show you what they have produced. Do encourage your child to speak to their form tutor if they need support creating their revision timetable.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037