Acland Burghley School

Y11 October Assessments

Please see below the timetable for the Y11 October mock exams. Subjects which do not appear on the timetable will be assessed in lessons. Students should now be spending between one and two hours at the end of the school day completing their homework and starting their revision for these exams. Please remember to check Show my Homework for the tasks students are being set, and prioritise speaking with your child if they receive a concern for missing homework.  

All of Y11 were reminded by Ms Arunagiri in assembly this week that it takes 75 days to embed a habit; so now is the time for them to build independent study into their daily routine to help them to have the most possible success this year. 


Wednesday 11 October 

Thursday 12 October 

Friday 13 October 

Periods 1&2 

8.50-10.50 am 


Maths Paper 2 

1 hour 

Whole Cohort 

English Literature  

1 hour 

Whole Cohort 

Separates Biology Paper 1 

1 hour 45 mins 

Film Studies 

1 hour 30 mins 

10.50-11.15 am 




Periods 3&4 

11.15-1.15 pm 


Business Exam 

1 hour 45 mins 

Physics Paper 1 

1 hour 45 mins/1 hour 15 mins 

Whole Cohort 

Maths Paper 3 

1 hour 

Whole Cohort 





Period 5 



All students in timetabled lessons 

Sociology Exam 

1 hour 30 mins 

31 students 

French and Spanish Writing Exam 

1 hour / 1 hour 15 mins 

Please see below for the key dates for Y11:

  • October Mock Exams: 11 October to 13 October 
  • Report 1: beginning of November 
  • Parents' Evening: 16 November 
  • LaSWAP Open Evening: 23 November 
  • December Mock Exams: 11 to 21 December 
  • Report 3: January 2024
  • March Mock Exams: 13 March to 15 March 
  • Report 3: end of March 
  • Public Exams: from 13 May 

A reminder of the out of lesson revision sessions is also below. 

Before school revision

Maths revision: Monday to Wednesday from 8.15am 

After school revision:














Our school library is open from 8.15am each morning, at break and lunchtimes, and after school until 7pm Monday – Wednesday and until 4.15pm on Thursday and Friday.

Dixie McLean 
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037