Acland Burghley School

Y11 Maths Interventions

Dear Y11 parents and carers

As mocks are beginning next week, it is crucial your child is attending intervention sessions to best support them with their mock exams.

On Parents' Evening all students were given a monthly revision calendar (November one) to aid their revision. The December ones have now been provided to your child by their teachers.

Show list Show Grid


Please encourage them to use the revision materials provided including the weekly revision guide and revision list. These have been posted on Show my Homework with answers.

Please also support us in encouraging your child to attend the interventions taking place on the following days and times.

Every morning Monday–Wednesday 8.15am-8.50am in the following rooms:

  • Foundation in room G2A
  • Higher in room G1A

Every Tuesday after school 3.15pm-4.15 pm

Please see the schedule for next week below:



Room & Teacher


Higher Set 1

G1A, Mr Allen & Mr Xavier


Higher Set 2

G2D, Ms Kani

SOHCAHTOA including mixed questions with SOHCAHTOA & Pythagoras


G1C, Ms Jefferys

Linear graphs/Quadratic graphs and estimating solutions 


Simultaneous equations 


Further Maths

G1A, Mr Kibreab

Revision for Mock


Many thanks,

Kainath Uddin
KS4 Subject Lead