Acland Burghley School

Y11 LaSWAP and Pathways interviews 

Thank you to all the students who have attended their interviews so far and to everyone at home who has supported them.

Due to staff illness and absence, we are unfortunately behind with some of our schedule. Please do not worry about this; we will be catching up in the next couple of weeks and every student in Y11 will be offered an interview. Please contact me or Michael Luu ( if you would like to discuss your child’s interview.


Spring term: interviews begin

  • Tutors or teachers will contact students with their interview time.

Summer term: follow ups and conditional offers

  • All student interviews completed

  • Students who need more support are invited back for a second interview with Glen or the sixth form core team.

  • Conditional offers based on the interview discussion are issued to students, who have a secure plan for next year.

25 August: results day and enrolment

  • Students receive their results and can enrol at LaSWAP.

Laura Stanley
Pathways and Progress Leader