Acland Burghley School

Y11 French/Spanish GCSE Speaking mock exam dates

  • Tuesday 14 June: option A with Ms James
  • Tuesday 14 June: option C with Ms Jacob
  • Wednesday 15 June: option B with Mr Deacon
  • Wednesday 15 June: option A with Ms Conley
  • Wednesday 15 June: option D with Ms Miguel
  • Thursday 16: option D with Ms Williams
  • Thursday 16 June: option B with Mr Deacon
  • Friday 17 June: option D with Ms Williams

This is our first speaking practice under exam conditions that will take place on one of the following dates at the back of the library on Tuesday 14 June, Wednesday 15 June, Thursday 16 June and Friday 17 June.

Your child’s teacher will have given him/her the time of the assessment in lesson time. It should also have been recorded in the student’s planner. Your child needs to arrive a couple of minutes before their time to ensure the smooth running of the day and to be in the right mindset.

We will not reschedule the assessment if your child misses it unless there is a valid reason.

Students (Foundation and Higher) have 12 minutes preparation at the back of the library with an invigilator to prepare for a role-play and a photocard before entering the exam room.

The test will last between 7-9 minutes at Foundation level and 10-12 minutes at Higher level. As well as the role play, a photocard, students will have a conversation on topics from theme 1 only. These include: Me, my family and friends/ Technology in everyday life / Free time activities / Customs and festivals.

Students have prepared their answers to those conversation questions in their speaking folder and need to memorise them. They are expected to be fully ready on the day of their test. You could support your child by asking him/her the questions in French/Spanish. You could also ask him/her to translate back in French/Spanish to test their understanding and/or students could record themselves and listen to their answers to help them with the learning.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. 

Katty Jacob
Head of Languages