Y11 Aspiring Medics webinar for students and parents
Wednesday 19 October 6pm, online
Is your child interested in pursuing a career in medicine, veterinary or dentistry? Y11 is the ideal time to start exploring this pathway. This webinar is aimed at aspiring medical students and their families and will outline the application and interview process, admissions tests and required work experience to apply for these courses at university. Medicine is an extremely competitive course and becoming more so – make sure they are prepared now!
Some of the webinar content will be aimed at Y12 families and students, but it is all relevant and very helpful for Y11s too.
- Join Zoom Meeting
- https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82917488413?pwd=N0hOVUJ2QkJCWEFxaUlzU0RoR0tKdz09
- Passcode: medics
Laura Stanley
Student Pathways and Progress Leader