Acland Burghley School

Y10 mid term assessments 

It was wonderful to see and speak to families, albeit virtually, at the Y10 Parents’ Evening yesterday. I know that you will have found the conversations about your child useful and that many of you will have finished the evening with targets for your son or daughter to work towards.

Y10 are sitting their mid term assessments after the half term break.

  • Week commencing 21 February: English, Maths and Science assessments
  • Week commencing 28 February: Option subject assessments

Below is a booklet of information compiled by our subject leads which detail the format and content of each assessment, as well as what students need to do to be successful. Please take some time to look through this with your child to ensure that they have the resources they need and a plan for their preparation.


Y11 After School Opportunities

A reminder of the additional classes open to all Y11 students:

  • Tuesdays after school: maths
  • Wednesdays after school: English
  • Thursdays after school: science

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning - KS4
Extension number: 3037