Acland Burghley School

Y10 mid term assessments

Y10 are sitting their mid term assessments after the half term break.

Week commencing 21 February: English, Maths and science assessments

Week commencing 28 February: Option subject assessments

Below is a booklet of information compiled by our subject leads which details the format and content of each assessment, as well as what students need to do to be successful. Please take some time to look through this with your child to ensure that they have the resources they need and a plan for their preparation.

Y10 Assessment_summary_mid_term_booklet.pdf

Summer Exams 2022

Below is the summer exam timetable for the GCSE examinations. Your child will receive a personalised timetable later this term.


A reminder of the key dates coming up for Y11

  • Thursday 10 February: English Literature Mock Exam
  • Monday 14-Wednesday 16 February: Half term revision opportunities
  • Monday 14 March-Friday 18 March: March Mock Exams

A reminder of the additional classes open to all Y11 students:







Before School

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B

Maths: G1A and G1B



Art: Art 1

Geography: R1A

Art: Art 1


After School


Maths: maths rooms

English: English rooms

Science: science rooms

Psychology: YG4


Dixie McLean
Director of Learning for Key Stage 4
Extension number: 3037

GCSE Business Revision

Every Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm

Revision classes will take place every Wednesday in Y3A (content) and Y3D (exam technique).

Lambros Pastou
Business Subject Lead