Y10 Parents' Evening
I have written to all Y10 families this year with Y10’s first set of reports and information about their Parents’ Evening. This is taking place online via Teams on Thursday 20 January.
Please follow the steps below in order to make this a successful and productive evening.
• Students should continue to use their planner to collect times from their subject teachers. Teachers will also keep a record of these and then call at the specified time
• Students need to ensure that they have their login so they can access their video call on the evening. They will also need familiarise themselves on how to access their Office 365 account from home as they will need to login to Teams to receive the call
• Ensure you have a working camera and microphone for the meetings
• Read through your child’s report and have any questions ready for the evening
What needs to happen on the evening?
• You should log into Microsoft Office using the student’s account login details and go to Teams
• Students and parents should be at the meeting to discuss the progress in the subjects
• Wait for the teacher to call and accept the call; you do not need to call them
If you require any further information about using Microsoft Teams to receive the video calls then please refer to the this guide. As always, please do get in contact with your child’s tutor, their Year Team Leader Mr Ali, or myself if you have any questions.
Dixie McLean Director of Learning – Key Stage 4 dmclean@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk
Extension number: 3037