Acland Burghley School

Y10 Parents’ Evening

Thursday 19 January 4.30-7pm

We look forward to welcoming all families to the school on Thursday 19 January for Y10 Parents’ Evening 4.30-7pm.

This evening will give parents the opportunity to meet with Core and Option subject teachers to discuss their progress so far in KS4. Students are encouraged to attend with parents/guardians to reflect and set targets in preparation for mock exams in February.

What should be happening now?

Students should use the Parents' Evening page in their planner to begin making appointments for the night.

To ensure you are able to see as many teachers as possible on the night, you should allow approximately 5 to 10 minutes for each teacher and enough time between slots to move around the building.

Students in 10ASP, 10FBR and 10LGO should make appointments with times that end in 00,10, 20, 30, 40 and 50.

Students in 10LMI, 10LNI, 10NEA and 10 SWI should make appointments with times that end in 05,15, 25, 35, 45, 55.

Please check with your child and email tutors should you need any support in getting times for your child and cannot attend. Prior to the evening, you will be emailed a copy of your child’s progress review, so you can go through and prepare any questions you might have.

What happens on the evening?

On the evening, you should arrive with your child 15 minutes before your first scheduled appointment and go to the school foyer.

On arrival, you will collect a pack that will have a printed copy of your child’s report and other key documents including a list of areas that teachers can be found on the evening.

Once you have your report, please make your way to your appointments.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Tanya Rivard-Morton
Y10 Year Team Leader
Extension number: 3083