Family bulletins

Summer 2024

Issue 13
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Tomorrow's Creating Excellence event, another chance to sponsor the Brutal Walk and a list of free or low cost holiday activities for young people locally.

Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: An invite to the awards evening, art exhibition and abPTA BBQ on Friday 19 July and how to sponsor the Brutal Walk.

Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Celebrating Sporting Success, Canteen survey, next steps for Y11 families and details of the Brutal Debate.

Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: introducing the New Deputy Heads, more on the Creating Excellence evening and art exhibition and an update on the Brutal Walk and Festival.

Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Attendance and engagement in the final weeks, an invite to the Creating Excellence event and key stage updates.

Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: the latest Headteacher's letter, the Lion King and other upcoming shows and the Sports Day plan.

Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: PD Drop Down Day plan, a reminder of next week’s early closure and information on a Volunteer Charity Treasurer role.

Issue 6
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Supporting your child through exams and assessments, Lion King Jr. musical info and half term activities.

Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: How every moment matters in school attendance, a new Youth MP and Celebrating Diversity on Tuesday 21 May.

Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Celebrating Diversity on Tuesday 21 May, an introduction from the new Librarian and an early closure date next month.

Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Summer extra-curricular clubs, canteen changes and a Live at the Hex #4 invite for Friday 10 May.

Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: photos from last night's Hall for All event, the focus areas for Summer term and extra-curricular opportunities.

Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: an invite to an evening of performance, music and comedy for a Hall for All, new canteen menu and upcoming clubs.

Spring 2024

Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: how we will be marking Autism Acceptance Week, the new Parent Governors and the Dance Show booking link!

Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: mobile phones in school, a reminder of the Parent Governor elections and tomorrow's fundraiser disco.

Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: what's been happening in PD, your chance to elect a new Parent Governor and details of new clubs.

Issue 7

In this issue of the Families bulletin: the KS5 Assessment Cycle, our programme for next week's World Book Day and details of a new Graphic Novel club.

Issue 6

In this issue of the Families bulletin: this week's successes, a Parent Governor vacancy and an invite to the Quiz Night on Thursday 29 February.

Issue 5

In this issue of the Families bulletin: supporting everyone in our community to attend school, the upcoming Y9 Pathways Launch and fundraising events.

Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: INSET Day reminder, Independent Learning in the school term and over the break and Camden Youth MP elections.

Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Y9 Pathways process and key dates, Y7-Y9 cross country information and LaSWAP application interviews reminder.

Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Behaviour for Learning, new clubs and upcoming Parents' Evenings and events.

Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a reminder of the Home School Agreement, the OAE PULSE programme and T Level Information Evening details.

Autumn 2023

Issue 13
In this issue of the Families bulletin: end of and start of term plans, an OAE opportunity for young musicians and Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day information.

Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: festive end of term treats, attendance in the last 2 weeks and a holiday activities and food programme link.

Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: how to support your child with independent learning, new clubs and an invite to the Christmas Concert!

Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Ofsted's final report, supporting your child to do well, an INSET Day reminder and new film making clubs.

Issue 9

In this issue of the Families bulletin: a reminder of next week's INSET Day, how we covered Anti-Bullying Week, an upcoming cooking club and nasal flu vaccination information.

Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: making the most of Parents' Evening, the dates of all Parents' Evenings and the updated PE Clubs timetable.

Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: new clubs, the plan for Drop Down Day on Monday 6 November and key upcoming dates for all year groups.

Issue 6

In this issue of the Families bulletin: a thank you to all students and families, maintaining our culture of safeguarding and upcoming Parent Workshops.

Issue 5

In this issue of the Families bulletin: a letter on talking to students about global conflicts, the big impact of lateness to school and lessons and an invite to the abPTA Chilli Night on Thursday 19 October.

Issue 4

In this issue of the Families bulletin:
 school closure on Monday 9 October for Inset Day, Black History Season and Personal Development, plus upcoming cooking clubs.

Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Tube strikes arrangements, Autumn Term behaviour focus, applying for FSM and new clubs.

Issue 2

In this issue of the Families bulletin: 'Our' OAE, new clubs and a wealth of Work Experience opportunities for students.

Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: early closure next Wednesday 20 September, updated clubs timetable and ensuring student success.

Summer 2023

Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: rounding off the term, end of term and start of term arrangements and staying safe and healthy this Summer.

Issue 11

In this issue of the Families bulletin: developing students’ aspirations, end of term and start of term plans and the awards and exhibition evening invite.

Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: NEU strike action reminder, next steps & Results’ Days and activities & food programmes available in the Summer holidays.

Issue 9

In this issue of the Families bulletin: NEU Intended Strike Action dates, CEIAG Drop Down Day plans and how you can get involved in transforming the Assembly Hall. The correct email address to use for the School Trust is

Issue 8

In this issue of the Families bulletin: Flying Start impact, canteen survey, new clubs and the Secret Art Auction including a special alumni welcome.

Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: equipment, presentation and homework in the Flying Start, Maths Challenge club and updated PE clubs.

Issue 6

In this issue of the Families bulletin: Headteacher's letter, Flying Start arrangements for Summer term 2, new date for the Science film club and an invite to the Aladdin Jr. whole school production.

Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: how we marked Mental Health Awareness Week, the Headteacher Open Forum link, new Parent Governor intro and a final call for Art Auction submissions!

Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: the Flying Start explained, the Headteacher Open Forum date, new clubs and a unique new vacancy at the school.

Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: four online safety strategies to use with your child, behaviour points explained and the Art Auction return.

Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: remaining NEU strike date, marking the Coronation and celebrating diversity.

Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: NEU intended strike dates, our alumni community, Parent Governor elections and upcoming exciting events.

Spring 2023

Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Headteacher's end of term letter, Parent Governor vacancy and an updated list of free holiday activities.

Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: what's happening in PE, an update on Y11 Easter revision opportunities and free activities and food programmes available locally to families in the Easter holidays.

Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: what's happening in Languages, becoming a student ambassador and Y11 Easter revision opportunities.

Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: a reminder of the next NEU strike action dates, how we are marking Science Week and a Camden SEND Parent Day invite.

Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Personal Development lessons, a careers workshop and online safety resources compiled.

Issue 7
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Next NEU Action strike date reminder, World Book Day plans, Grease Musical invite and more enrichment opportunities.

Issue 6
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Headteacher's end of term letter, Computing, Media and Social Sciences update and the Turkey-Syria earthquake fundraiser.

Issue 5
In this issue of the Families bulletin: STEAM Drop Down Day programme, Online Safety Season resource 5 and cost of living support information.

Issue 4
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Free School Meals provision for Wednesday 1 February, Online Safety Season resource 4 and Personal Development sessions on Monday 30 January.

Issue 3
In this issue of the Families bulletin: industrial action dates, maths topics this half term, Online Safety Season resource 3 and parent workshops.

Issue 2
In this issue of the Families bulletin: what’s happening in Science, the next Online Safety Season resource, new clubs and the launch of the T Level.

Issue 1
In this issue of the Families bulletin: next week's Pathways launch on Thursday 12 January, how to keep your child safe online and new clubs this term including a Japanese Language club.

Autumn 2022

Issue 13
In this issue of the Families bulletin: last week of term including arrangements for the last day and a reminder of the Christmas fair and concert!

Issue 12
In this issue of the Families bulletin: Y9 pathways, end of term arrangements, bus strikes, festive dates and further extra-curricular opportunities.

Issue 11
In this issue of the Families bulletin: responding to student voice, SEND coffee evening and more on the upcoming Christmas music concert.

Issue 10
In this issue of the Families bulletin: INSET Day reminder on Friday 25 November, an invite to the LaSWAP Open Evening on Thursday 24 November and your attendance questions answered.

Issue 9
In this issue of the Families bulletin: the plan for PD Day on Monday 14 November and festive dates for your diary including the Christmas Music Concert.

Issue 8
In this issue of the Families bulletin: safety in the local area, potential rail strike arrangements and upcoming Parents' Evenings.

Issue 7
The latest bulletin includes the
 build up to Anti-Bullying Week, rail strike arrangements and an external half-term film-making project opportunity. Please note that the advertised Brutalist Britain book launch will take place on Wednesday 26 October, not 26 September as advertised.

Issue 6
The latest bulletin includes key attendance contacts, details of Monday's PD sessions and new enrichment opportunities.

Issue 5
The latest bulletin includes information on how the school supports students with assessment, a reminder of the change to the our mobile number and email address and new club listings.

Issue 4
The latest bulletin includes Black History Season plans, a system update reminder and the rail strike arrangements for Wednesday 5 October.

Issue 3
The latest bulletin includes a reminder of equipment expectations, the new number to use when texting the school and important trips information.

Issue 2
The latest bulletin includes a reminder of behaviour expectations, a survey on PD workshops for parents and new clubs for this term.

Issue 1
The first bulletin of the new academic year includes a warm welcome back, our extensive extra-curricular provision for this term and a wealth of community events to get involved in, as well as how we will be marking the sad death of  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


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