Acland Burghley School

Understanding grades for Y10 students and families

Last week I spoke in assembly to all Y10 students about the grading systems for GCSEs which is now on the 9-1 scale. This was first introduced for the summer 2017 GCSE exams. Many of you are familiar with the new grading system, and for others of you it will be entirely new.

The old top grades of A* and A have been split into three grades; 9, 8 and 7. Grades B and C have also been split into three grades; 6, 5, and 4. Grade 4 in any subject is considered a “standard pass” and grade 5 is a “strong pass”.

Students who do not achieve a grade 4 in English or maths are required to continue studying that subject post-16; either until they pass or until they turn 18. Students who wish to study A Levels at La SWAP need to achieve at least four grade 6s, but there are different entry requirements at different institutions for different types of courses.

A table comparing old GCSE grades to new ones


Students will be speaking to their teachers in lessons about their target grades and you will receive their first report with their “working at grades” in December.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037