Summer term events

Join us for music, art and celebrations this Summer term! Students' hard work has come to fruition with a LAMDA show, the LaSWAP Summer Concert and the whole school production of Wendy and Peter Pan coming up this month and in July. We'd also love to see you at the big abPTA barbecue on Friday 5 July where you'll have the chance to see the Y11 end of year Art Exhibition, listen to some student music and celebrate this year's successes in a short awards assembly. Scroll down for more details on all events!

Parents of students entering into our new Y7 cohort in September, should also attend the New Y7 Parents Information Evening on Wednesday 3 July at 6 pm.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!


LAMDA show in GGA, Acland Burghley at 5.30 pm on 17 June

LaSWAP Summer Concert at St Martins Church, Gospel Oak at 6.30 pm on 18 June


New Y7 Parents info eve

New Y7 Parents Information Evening in the Performing Arts Block, Acland Burghley at 6 pm on 3 July


Celebrating excellence Summer Barbecue

Celebrating Excellence, Art Exhibition and Barbecue in the Sports Hall, Assembly Hall on 5 July 5 - 8.30 pm


Wendy and Peter

Two separate performances of Wendy and Peter Pan in the Performing Arts block, Acland Burghley on 10 and 11 July 6 - 9pm