Acland Burghley School

Sports Day 1

Monday 27 June

Sports Day 2

Tuesday 5 July

 For new Y8 and new Y9 only

The PE Department is excited that Sports Day has been reinstated this year. This will be the first time in 3 years that we have been able to run it so we are starting with new Y8 and new Y9 only and it will run over 2 days. 

Track events will take place on Monday 27 June at Parliament Hill track periods 1-4. Interform competitions will take place period 5 onsite. 

A letter has been sent home outlining the timings of the day, the expectations of students and what to bring. Please ensure your student has the correct PE kit to participate in (plain black t shirt, black shorts and trainers), brings water to stay hydrated, a hat and sunscreen if needed. 

Sports Day 2 will take place on Tuesday 5 July period 5 onwards. Information regarding this day will be in next weeks newsletter. 

(In the event of wet weather students will return to normal lessons). 

We hope all students enjoy the day.  

Elizabeth Oteng 
Second in charge of PE