Acland Burghley School

Scholars club awards

Since November, students in Y7–Y9 have been coming along to Acland Burghley’s new KS3 Scholars’ Club on Tuesdays after school to explore their academic interests beyond the curriculum.

This half-term, students have learned about philosophy and ethics, economics, history and politics, and criminal law, and have also worked in teams to produce their own research project reports and presentations, which they have given at the last two sessions of Scholars’ Club.


All students produced fantastic reports and gave excellent presentations, tackling some very challenging questions from the audience. Prizes were awarded in several categories to particularly impressive teams:

  • Best Overall Project – Are your personality and other traits decided by your environment or your genetics? (Llewelyn H, Ines W and Jessica S, Y8)
  • Best Written Report – To what extent should computers replace humans in the workplace? (Mikey H, Daniel M and Justin H, Y8)
  • Best Presentation – Why is there such animosity between age groups over technology? (Elijah Mand Hannah L, Y9)
  • Best Teamwork – Why can the government do things we can’t? Is it better to pay more taxes or give to charity? (Hal A and Daniel W, Y8) and Is it right to worship a God who allows animals to suffer? (Teddy L and Wilf V, Y7)

KS3 Scholars’ Club will continue in the New Year. All are welcome and interested students should come to RG3 on Tuesdays after school.

Anna McKeon
History Teacher