Return to School - W/c 8 March 2021
Dear Parents, Carers and Families
Return to school next week
Following quick return of consent forms by families, and good attendance in school by students, I am pleased to announce that we are on track with our rapid testing programme, and ready to welcome Y10 and 11 students back into school this Monday.
Students in Y9 will return on Tuesday, with Y7, 8, 12 and 13 on Wednesday. Lessons will continue online for these students until their return day. Please check with your child’s Year Team Leader if (s)he is unsure about when to come in for their first rapid test.
Any student who has not yet taken a test should return to school at the same time as the rest of their year group. We will try to complete any missing tests (where consent has been given) at that point.
Students will receive two more rapid tests in school over the following two weeks. After that, they will receive home test kits, where it will be the responsibility of families to report any positive results to NHS Test and Trace. We will publish more information about this in future bulletins.
Our preventative measures
In assemblies this week, students heard about how we will continue to reduce the spread of coronavirus through our systems of control. During the Autumn term, we kept infection rates low by following 3 key rules:
1) Don’t touch; don’t share;
2) Wash your hands; break the chain (of transmission);
3) Keep a sensible distance;
This term, at least until Easter, we are adding a fourth rule:
4) Wear a mask.
Where students are exempt, either through medical needs or by parental preference, the parent/ carer is asked to send a short email with ‘Mask Exemption’ in the title to to join our exemption list.
Students should wear warm clothing, as windows will be open to ensure good ventilation.
To support the other measures, please make sure your child has their own equipment, and remind them about the distancing measures such as separate playgrounds and the ‘keep left’ rule. An updated risk assessment for the safe return to school is available on the website.
Return to school times and dates are listed below.
Y11 and Y13 assessments in 2021
Following nationwide consultation, Ofqual has published its decisions on the award of grades this summer to Y11 and Y13 students. We are now clearer about how we are likely to proceed. Fuller information will not come out until just before the Easter holiday, but we have enough information to make a sensible plan of action for students from now until the end of term, and then for the first half of the Summer term until the grades are submitted.
Y11 students and their families are invited to a Zoom meeting with me, Sean McHugh, Dixie McLean and Asma Khan on Thursday 11 March at 5.30pm. See page 5 for zoom details. In this meeting, we will outline our thoughts, and explain in detail the plan for this half term, and in outline the plan for the first half of the Summer term.
Y13 students and families will have a similar meeting on Friday 12 March at 5pm on Zoom, Anna Rimington will share key information about the awarding of grades in the summer.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 0476 7664
Passcode: 58dvh2
Proposed change to term dates
The Easter holidays are due to start on Thursday 1 April. Following consultation with staff and the Chair of Governors, the school is proposing to extend the Spring term, making 1 April a school day, and removing a day from the end of the Summer term (Friday 23 July).
There are similar plans over the INSET day planned for Monday 7 June. It is felt that students should be in school on this day, with alternative arrangements made for INSET, with school closing an additional day earlier in the Summer term, on Wednesday 21 July.
If you have strong views about these proposals, please get in touch with me directly. We will change the dates if we feel that there is a consensus around either or both of these ideas, and confirm with you next week after we have heard back from families.
Welcome back
We just can’t wait to see everyone back in school next week. Some students will be feeling anxious about yet another change to their routine. Please let me know directly if you have any concerns, so I can direct you quickly to the right person in school. My contact email address is listed below.
With best wishes
Nicholas John
Returning to School
Please see the table below with details of students returning to school from next week. Families will have received an email with a time slot for their child to attend school for a rapid test before the start day.
Year group |
Start day |
Enter school |
Exit school |
Playground |
11 |
Monday 8 March |
Burghley Road gate |
Burghley Road gate |
Burghley Road and grassy area |
10 |
Monday 8 March |
Burghley Road gate |
Ingestre Road gate |
Near canteen area |
9 |
Tuesday 9 March |
Churchill Road gate |
Churchill Road gate |
Top pitch |
8 |
Wednesday 10 March |
Churchill Road gate |
Churchill Road gate |
Top pitch |
7 |
Wednesday 10 March |
Burghley Road gate |
Ingestre Road gate |
Around Assembly Hall area on willow tree side |
12 & 13 |
Wednesday 10 March |
Burghley Road gate |
Burghley Road gate |
NA |
Students will need to arrive by 8.35am, bring a face covering and make sure they wear several layers as windows in school will be open for ventilation. |