Results Day Success for Y13
We have had another excellent year of HE applications at Acland Burghley, with over 80% of our students applying via UCAS, plus several other applications to art foundation and other FE/HE courses. We also supported several ex-Acland Burghley students with their applications.
Our students have been accepted on a range of prestigious and exciting courses. Just a few examples of their varied and exciting success:
- Elizabeth Christopher joined us in Y12 and achieved BTEC Performing Arts Double Distinction and Media A level A. She is reading Acting & Performance at LMA
- Ezekiel Day has been at Acland Burghley since Y7 and achieved 3 A* grades in A Level Maths, Physics and Music Tech. He is reading Tonmeister (Music & Sound Recording) at University of Surrey.
- Jack Hale has been with us since Y7 and achieved 3 A grades in A Level English Literature, History and Media A. He is reading Criminology at University of Manchester.
- Aniso Mohamed joined Acland Burghley in Y12 and has achieved BTEC Applied Science Double Distinction and Religious Studies A Level B. She is reading Diagnostic Radiography at City, University of London.
- Sawdah Mohamed has attended Burghley since Y7 and has achieved BTEC Applied Science Double Distinction and A Level Sociology A. She is reading Children’s Nursing at King’s College London.
- Ajmal Noormal came to Acland Burghley from Afghanistan at the start of Y12 and achieved BTEC Applied Science Double Distinction. A Level Applied Business Distinction, Maths E. Reading MSc Biomedical Science with full scholarship at University of Essex.
- Owen O’ Connor joined us in 2018 and has achieved an A grade in A Level History, Further Maths and Physics, and an A* in Maths. He is reading Physics with a Year Abroad at University of Lancaster.
- Erin Ridgway joined Acland Burghley in Y12 and achieved A* in English Literature and Textiles, and an A in Art. She is reading Art at the University of Edinburgh.
Despite a very challenging year for university applications, our applicants have excelled. Overall, there have been fewer university places available this year, due to a range of factors including very reduced capacity due to covid and an increase in 18 year olds nationally. Despite this, nearly 80% of students were placed at their first choice of university and only 4 students entered Clearing on results day. This is a testament to Acland Burghley’s very strong and confident post-18 advice and our students’ trust in that advice.
We are incredibly proud of all of our students – those going to university and those pursuing apprenticeships, years out, work and other options.
Class of 2022 celebrate A-level results ( – press release