Parent Governor vacancy
We have a vacancy for a parent governor to join our governing body.
The school governors play an important role in the running of the school, supporting and challenging us to provide the best possible education for all our young people.
You don’t have to have particular skills or qualifications to be a governor, and it is beneficial for the school to have a diverse governing body with a wide range of experiences and perspectives.
We will be sending out further information to parents next week. If you’re interested in becoming a parent governor or would like to know more please get in touch with the Chair of Governors, Kim Issroff, at
What do our parent governors do?
Being a parent governor has been a great, and varied experience. As well as considering school processes and policies the role can be as hands on as you like. It’s been very rewarding getting to know specific year groups, helping deliver free school meals during the pandemic and learning about very practical health and safety issues. I’d encourage any parent who’d like to support and get to know the school better to consider being a governor too.
Paddy Sutton
Parent Governor
The role of parent governor is very varied from reviewing and inputting into school policies to monitoring the budget to helping with staff recruitment. The school benefits from the insights parent governors can share both as parents and from their own personal and working lives. There is lots of support for governors including formal training from Camden and mentoring from other governors. It’s very rewarding to be able to support so many children and families in our community.
Dr Kim Isroff
Parent Governor and Chair of Governors
Parent governors are an essential asset to the school. They come with a wealth of knowledge and experience that contributes to the successful running of the school. Their valuable contribution helps the school set their strategic objectives and holds them accountable in carrying these out. Experience as a governor is not necessary, so I would encourage parents from diverse backgrounds and experiences to apply.
Marita Young
Staff Governor