Acland Burghley School

Parent Governor election

The nominations are now open! Letters to parents will be posted this afternoon. To apply parents/carers will need to complete the enclosed nomination form and return it to the box in the school reception or via email no later than 4pm on Tuesday 29 March 2022. Please get in touch with the school office by emailing if you have not received your letter and enclosed documents by Tuesday 22 March

We are looking for governors with a range of different skills, perspectives and experiences and a commitment to improving the school. 

The governing body should be gender balanced and reflect the diversity of the students at Acland Burghley, so we would particularly welcome applications from groups underrepresented on the current board including men and people from Black, Asian or other ethnic backgrounds.

Please read the letter for full details.

If you are thinking of applying but would like a conversation with an existing governor first, you are welcome to join the Zoom meeting with Kim Issroff, Chair of Governors, and other governors at 6pm on Wednesday 23 March 2022 at this link:

(Meeting ID: 844 4188 9118 Passcode: PG24).

Please also feel free to contact Kim by emailing

We look forward to receiving your application!