Acland Burghley School

Our Artist in Residence and abSecretArtAuction launch

Last week we outlined the stages of our plan to refurbish the Assembly Hall. The structural works are already underway, taking the building out of action from January to August 2019.

On Thursday 6 December, from 6.30-8 pm, we will be launching our fundraising Secret Art Auction. You are warmly invited to come along and see the temporary exhibition of postcard sized artworks by local artists, with several by famous names. Please enjoy a drink with other friends of the school, and maybe even think about putting in an online bid for one or more of the artworks at:

All money raised will go towards a feasibility study for the modernisation of the Assembly Hall after the structural works have been completed in August.

The auction will be launched by Turner Prize winning artist Mark Wallinger, who is the school’s first ever artist in residence. Last Monday, Mark addressed staff at the school, describing the inspiration he received from his own art teacher, one Mr Rush. He described his passionate commitment to the idea of art in the public realm. He wondered whether he might be able to bring something of this idea into his time with us at Acland Burghley.

We very much hope to see Families at the event on Thursday.