New Parent Governor
We are delighted to confirm that the new Parent Governor elected in this week’s ballot is Noella Bello Castro. Congratulations to Noella and a huge thank you to Marie Harvey, the other candidate in what was a very strong field. The strength of the candidates was reflected in a record turnout, so thank you to every parent who took the time to vote. As a reminder, here is Noella’s personal statement.
Noella Bello Castro
Making sure that everybody has access to a good education, no matter what background they come from, is extremely important to me and this is why I’d like to be part of the governing board at Burghley. I come from a working class, mixed ethnic background (I’m half Colombian and half Spanish) and was born and raised in Camden. I feel lucky that my parents were aspirational and I want to help children, especially those from similar backgrounds to mine, to understand how important this is. I’m mum to Jack in Y7 and Josh, who is still at primary.
I’ve been a parent governor at Carlton Primary for seven years, six of which I’ve been vice chair of the board. Subsequently, I have a good understanding of the importance of the parent voice. My favourite part of being a governor is going on learning walks and getting to know the children. Although I’ve no experience as a secondary governor, I’m tenacious, hard-working and willing to learn.
My passion for education has permeated through to my professional life. As a press officer at London Councils I worked on campaigns lobbying the government for more money for school places, I was Director of Communications at the prestigious North London Collegiate School and more recently have worked on communications and engagement at Health Education England, which looks after education and training for the NHS. I would also hope to share my expertise in communication and engagement for the benefit of the school.