Acland Burghley School

LaSWAP enrolment arrangements

Thursday 24 August

LaSWAP enrolment for Acland Burghley students will take place on the morning of GCSE results day on Thursday 24 August. Students will be enrolled in person when they collect their results. There may be a short queue so please ask your child to wait – it won't take long!

Remote GCSE results collection

If your child is not able to collect their GCSE results in person, they can request them to be emailed or posted, or nominate someone to collect on their behalf.  This must be requested before the end of term. If you would like to request a remote results collection, please complete the form and email to the Exams Officer at Please contact Silvia at this email address if you have any questions about exams.


Introduction to LaSWAP webinar resources

The webinar slides can be found here.

You can watch a recording of the webinar on our YouTube channel:

Please get in touch with any questions. My last day of work this term will be 20 July and I will return to work on 16 August. I will not be responding to emails during this time, but I will reply when I return to work.

Laura Pearcey (Stanley)
Pathways and Progress Leader