Acland Burghley School

LaSWAP applications close 29 February

A reminder that students should apply for LaSWAP online before the end of the month. If they are not able to meet this deadline, please tell their tutor. This deadline does not apply to students with EHCPs being supported by Glen Thomson.

  • Tutors have given out usernames and passwords for the online LaSWAP application. If your child hasn’t received their login details, please contact their tutor or Year Team Leader.
  • Once students have their log in details, they should go to and sign in.  Do not start an application without the username and password.
  • Students can now complete the online LaSWAP application form. The form saves and doesn’t need to be completed in one go.
  • Students with an EHCP will be interviewed and supported by Glen Thomson; their interview may be at another time this term depending on their options next year. Please contact your child’s tutor if you have any questions about this.

Please note that having an interview and completing the application form is not a guarantee of a place at LaSWAP. Students must meet our entry requirements and enrol when they get their results in August.

If a student changes their mind about their chosen course/subject between now and enrolment, this is absolutely fine so long as they meet the entry criteria, they can enrol for any subjects in August, not just the ones on their application form.

If you have any questions about LaSWAP, please email me. You can find out about our entry requirements, curriculum offer and more at

Laura Pearcey (Stanley)
Associate Director of LaSWAP/Pathways and Progress Leader