Acland Burghley School

LaSWAP Open Evening 28 November 2024: Thank You!

A huge thank you to all of the Acland Burghley families who attended our Open Evening at Parliament Hill and William Ellis. It was our biggest ever event and I hope you were able to see and speak to everyone you wanted to. If you still have questions about LaSWAP, please get in touch with me by email.

Please remind your children NOT to use the application link on our website – this is for external applicants ONLY! Students at the 4 LaSWAP schools will be given an individual login by their tutor.  All Y11s at Acland Burghley will have the opportunity to apply to LaSWAP.

Thank you again from the whole LaSWAP community!

Laura Pearcey
Associate Director of LaSWAP