Acland Burghley School

Y11 maths revision sessions

Dear families of Y11,

Our next set of core mock examinations will be taking place in the week beginning the 14 March 2022. To help students prepare, I have created revision lists for each paper to help support pupils with their independent learning. These can be found on the school website, and are linked with video explanations from In addition, I wanted to advertise our Tuesday evening revision sessions which are back up and running too. They run in G1C (higher with Mr Sparkes) and G2D (Foundation with Ms Kani and Ms Teklezgi) from 3.15pm to 4.10pm.

The weekly outline of topics which will be covered in these sessions are outlined below;


Date Paper1 (non-calc) Paper 2 or 3 (calc)
18/01/2022 Surface area of prism Reverse percentage
25/01/2022 Percentage profit/loss Converting a percentage in to a decimal
01/02/2022 Gradient and y-intercept of a line Inequalities on a number line.
08/02/2022 Volume problem solving Money problems
22/02/2022 Factorising an expression Pythagoras’ theorem in practice
29/02/2022 Error intervals Drawing stem and leaf diagram
08/03/2022 Perimeter problems Writing a formula from a worded problems


Date Topics
18/01/2022 Simultaneous equations
25/01/2022 Direct and indirect proportions
01/02/2022 Iterations
08/02/2022 Circle theorems
22/02/2022 Bounds/Error intervals
29/02/2022 Completing the square
08/03/2022 SOH CAH TOA (Non-calc only)

 These continue to run alongside our morning maths revision sessions, which take place Monday – Thursday from 8.15am–8.50am in G1b(Foundation with Ms Teklezgi) and in G1c (Higher with Ms Milwidski).

On the 7 February we will be provided, by Edexcel, any advance information regarding the summer examinations. If this announcement changes any of the topics which will be covered, I will update you and the students again at this point.

Thank you for all of your support in encouraging your child to attend these sessions.

Emine Kani
Head of Maths Faculty 
Extension number: 3078