Acland Burghley School

Information for sixth-formers

Dear parent/guardian

The Government yesterday announced that all schools in England will close from Friday (20 March) to the majority of students and ‘until further notice’. This situation has developed rapidly and we understand your feelings of concern.


Exams will not happen as planned in May and June and the Government said it will announce further details of how students will be able to gain the qualifications they need to progress.

We are encouraging:

  • Y12 to use the online resources to help structure learning and to revisit the learning that they have done in preparation for the continuation of their courses
  • Y13 to focus on the valuable learning which will stay with them for university, work and life. 
  • Students who have coursework to complete it, working closely with teachers albeit remotely to ensure that all internal and external deadlines. 
  • BTEC and vocational students to complete all course work and assessments that are needed to gain the necessary qualifications
  • Students who are re-sitting GCSE maths and English to access online resources and to continue to communicate with their teachers around new methods of working

We will keep parents and students updated as further announcements are made in regards to exams and assessments.

The situation is changing rapidly and we will ensure that communications with UCAS and individual universities are communicated to you and will place these announcements on the LaSWAP and school websites. 

We have also made some changes to our internal calendar which include the cancelling of Y12 work experience and the postponement of year 12 High Stakes Exams. More detail will follow.

How will school keep in touch with us?

We will provide you with further information by text, email and through the school website. Please keep checking these sources of information. Tutors will be contacting tutees regularly to check in with them and once a week the head of year will send out a newsletter with updates and advice on home learning.

Working remotely

We have made home learning resources available through a range of platforms.   These platforms vary from subject to subject and students have been given instructions this week telling them how to access these resources. Many resources will be available from Friday 20 March and teachers will continue to upload additional resources as we move forward. We ask you not to contact the school requesting individual work. We are also providing a list of free online learning resources which all students will be able to use to supplement their learning

We would like to emphasise how important it is that this work is not all carried out on a computer.  As schools we have done our best to plan resources for students so that the work they carry out is also using text books, paper resources, listening to podcasts, completing revision materials and past papers. 

A booklet outlining some general guidance as to how to work from home during this period of time will follow.  It will outline how your son/daughter can take care of their own wellbeing and how to access resources for the individual subjects that they are studying alongside specific teachers’ contact details. Teachers will be updating work electronically however, please do bear in mind that staff may also be taken ill and unable to set work or provide feedback.  Departments will manage this as best as possible but please be supportive. 

There are a range of resources which will be uploaded onto the LaSWAP website including guidance about working from home, maintaining wellbeing, revision guidance and strategies and subject specific advice:​

Receiving feedback

Although teachers will not have the capacity to mark work remotely, we are asking students to keep work that they have completed in a folder that we will ask them to submit upon their return.

Thank you for your ongoing support during this difficult time. Again, please can I ask you not to contact the school with Coronavirus Covid-19 enquiries. Our reception team is overstretched and cannot give medical advice. We know that this is a worrying time for families. Although the school is closed to most students, we will continue to provide students and parents with support and guidance and we are committed to providing a high-quality online learning experience. As a strong school community, we will get through this together.

Thank you for your support and understanding during this challenging time.