Acland Burghley School

Healthy School Award

As a result of completing and meeting all the criteria on the Camden Health and Wellbeing review, Acland Burghley is recognised as a Camden Healthy School.

This is valid for three years until April 2026. This is a great achievement and demonstrates that the school continues to have the foundation in place to support pupils’ health and wellbeing. Thank you very much to Ms Arunagiri for all her work and support leading and coordinating the completion of the health and wellbeing review. It reflects the wide range of activities, policies and practices you have in place to support pupils and the school community, and we hope it will be a useful source of evidence of how the school is supporting children’s health and wellbeing and personal development.

Alison Purchase
Interim Senior Health and Wellbeing and Cross-Phase Adviser

acland burghley school healthy school certificate april 2023.pdf