Acland Burghley School

Half term planning for Y11

Well done to all of Y11 who have completed their first set of mock exams this week. We know they are looking forward to getting their feedback from teachers; please remember that you will also be able to discuss this face to face on Thursday 16 November at Parents’ Evening.

Please spend some time this weekend thinking ahead to October half term and how your child will use some of this time to develop their independent study habits. They should spend next week in school ensuring they have the resources they need and deciding which topics they are going to be creating revision notes for, which past papers they will complete, and which practice essays they are going to plan and write.

Over the course of Y11 there are a number of points; especially at Easter and beyond May half term, that students will have a large amount of independent study time. Beginning habits now will stand them in excellent stead for later on in the academic year. We will send out further details about their December mock exams next week – these take place from Monday 11 December.

Dixie McLean
Director of Learning – KS4
Extension number: 3037