Covid-19 annex to Safeguarding and Child Protection

As part of our ongoing work to safeguarding all students in these difficult and unprecedented time, we have produced a Covid-19 annex to our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy. This annex sets out details of our safeguarding arrangements for all the following areas:

  1. Context
  2. Version control and dissemination
  3. Safeguarding priority
  4. Current school position
  5. Safeguarding partners’ advice
  6. Roles and responsibilities
  7. Vulnerable children
  8. Increased vulnerability or risk
  9. Attendance
  10. Reporting concerns about children and staff
  11. Safeguarding training and induction
  12. Safer recruitment/volunteers and movement of staff
  13. Peer on peer abuse
  14. Online safety
  15. New children at the school
  16. Supporting children not in school

We are unable to identify concerns in the same way as we would when school is open so we are relying on our community to do some of that work too. 

If you have any concerns about a young person or family please feel free to contact Nicole Blackwood our Deputy Safeguarding Lead or I directly so that we can discuss this with you. Alternatively you can use email to raise you concerns.

School may not be functioning in the manner we are accustomed but we are here to offer support should you or any other family need it.

Martha Collins
Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead