If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.
Albert Einstein
The Music Department here at Acland Burghley school is a vibrant place to be. With a wide range of instrumental teachers, provided by Camden music service, we offer tuition on most instruments and a number of extra-curricular activities. These include a brass ensemble, KS3 choir, string ensemble, School of Rock, classical guitar ensemble and the percussion group.
In the classroom our curriculum is designed to combine the essential musical skills of composing, performing and listening. This is delivered using an eclectic mix of musical styles and genres, ranging from Baroque to Brit pop! With the use of our Mac suite students get to become familiar with industry standard music technology software from as early as Y7. The use of KS3 curriculum and our instrumental teachers ensures that students are well equipped for GCSE once they embark on the course. As part of the LaSWAP consortium we have a number of concerts throughout the year in which we collaborate with our neighbouring schools, resulting in some fantastic performances. We provide many opportunities for the students to perform throughout the year. The confidence inspired by such occasions is reflected in the fantastic progress of our instrumentalists both in class and in individual lessons.
Head of Creative Arts and Technology Faculty
Gwen Frye |
Emily Dawson |
Karin Tan |
Curriculum Intent and Map
- KS3 Assessment Schedule 2023 2024
- KS4 Assessment Guide Schedule 2023 2024
- Music Curriculum Map 2023 2024
- Music Curriculum Overview 2023 2024
- Music Intent Vision 2023 2024
Autumn term
This term we are looking at the Orchestra. We will be working alongside the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and working on our tuned percussion. We will discover our favourite music and interview family members and friends about their choices! We meet our brand new musicians and assess where they are at and where they are going. Students look at the basic elements of Music and work on developing tuned percussion skills, independence and working as part of an ensemble. After the initial half term, the lead up to the end of term focuses on a rehearsal for the Christmas concert.
Spring term
Students look at how this very modern era of classical music is put together and are assessed on their own minimalist performance. Using polyrhythms, ostinatos and using different time signatures, students aim to gain an understanding of this genre as well as developing their awareness of notation.
Classical footsteps
This where students look at the classical era and the great composers of this time. Having developed their knowledge of notation and rhythm, keyboard skills are developed in preparation for assessment.
Summer term
Welcome to the Opera! Cue dramatic music! This term we discover opera, the libretto and the different voices within the opera. We discover characters and write our own scores.
After consolidating basic keyboard, listening and analysis skill, and experiencing performance in Y7, Y8 is followed up with specific styles, genres and theoretical elements of music.
Autumn term
Journey into the blues
Students will explore the history, harmony and keyboard techniques related to this hugely influential genre. The students will use the classic ‘Sweet home Chicago’ to hone their skills and for an assessed performance.
Students look at how chords, intervals and harmony are constructed and how they are related to the keyboard and other non-percussion instruments. Students take the theory learned and use the music of both Mozart and Lady Gaga when preparing for assessment.
Spring term
Students explore the traditional music of Greece (OBA), South America, Egypt and the British isles. Looking at the call and response of Brazil, the ‘micam hijaz’of Egypt and folk music of Ireland the students are assessed by performing a chosen piece from one of these countries. They learn the famous Zorba the Greek, both the dance and the bouzouki part for the keyboard! This unit is a lot of fun!
Summer term
Welcome to musical theatre! Cue dramatic music! We look at the famous musical ‘Hamilton’ and look at some classics from Andrew Lloyd Webber. Students are assessed on their group performance.
Autumn term
Students will discover Old Musical Theatre and Jazz in this term. We will look at famous composers from both the old musical theatre world and the jazz world. Using the jazz standard ‘Autumn Leaves’ you will be introduced to major 7th chords and using your recently acquired arrangement skills you will prepare a version for assessment. By this time in Y9, there is potentially a wide range of instrumentalists in the group and these can be incorporated into your performance.
Summer term
Our Y9s in 2020 won the Camden competition for songwriting about knife crime. This term is an opportunity to work on their songwriting skills and composition skills. They will learn Logic Pro and how to collaborate in an ensemble setting.
Suggested reading
OCR Revision Guide GCSE Music and Music Theory Books 1 and 2 by Eric Tayor.
Extra-curricular activities and clubs
String group, the choir (Burghley Big Voice), School of Rock, Brass group, LASWAP Orchestra, Music tech club.
Areas of study
There are five areas of study that we will learn about during the OCR GCSE Music course. Students understanding will be assessed in Component 3 – the Listening paper.
Area of Study 1: My Music
- perform one piece (this can be on any instrument; voice; DJ-ing or sequencing)
- compose one piece for their instrument
- produce one piece of written work to accompany their composition
Area of Study 2: The Concerto through time
The development of the Concerto, from the Baroque period through to the Romantic period.
Area of Study 3: Rhythms of the World
The traditional rhythmic roots from four geographical regions of the world: India and Punjab, Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Africa and Central/South America. Additionally, you may choose to demonstrate your understanding within Component 2 - composition, where a choice of two rhythmic phrases will be given.
Area of Study 4: Written Music
- written specifically for film
- Western Classical tradition
- as a soundtrack for a video game
Additionally, learners may choose to demonstrate their understanding through Component 2 - composition, where you will be able to choose from either a short story or an image to create your own film style composition.
Area of Study 5: Conventions of Pop
A range of popular music from the 1950s to the present day and demonstrate an understanding of:
- Rock ‘n’ Roll of the 1950s and 1960s
- Rock anthems of the 1970s and 1980s
- Pop ballads of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s
- Solo artists from the 1990s to the present day
The skills you will develop
Students will learn how to analyse and answer questions about a wide variety of music, developing an understanding of how the different genres and styles link together. Students will develop skills in composing and performing in different styles and learn how to notate your compositions in a variety of different ways.
Why you should study it
Music develops a wide range of skills and improves your confidence when performing or speaking in front of large groups of people. You will enjoy and be successful on the GCSE course if you have a passion for music and you play a musical instrument or are interested in playing a musical instrument and committed to developing those skills.
Unit |
Exam or controlled assessment |
Percentage |
Component 1; Integrated Portfolio |
Controlled assessment |
30% |
Component 2; Practical Component |
Controlled assessment |
30% |
Component 3; Listening Exam |
Exam (1.5 hours) |
40% |
Extended learning
As part of the course, students learn an instrument of their choice. If they already have lessons outside of school they will be offered one to one composition lessons. They will also be involved in individual and group performances.
Get ahead
Start building on instrumental skills now! Students can join an ensemble and take part in a concert before they start the course. Listen to a wide variety of music, particularly the genres listed in the course description and other genres they don’t usually listen to.
GCSE Subject Specification
Please click through to the links to view more information on the Edexcel website.
Music - Edexcel Exam Board
Useful websites
As part of the LaSWAP consortium, Acland Burghley offers the following Music A levels:
LaSWAP Concert