Good business is the best art.
Andy Warhol
Business in KS4 is a popular subject choice. Students study the excellent AQA GCSE Business course and explore the numerous facets of a successful organisation.
Our main aim throughout this course is to equip students with the professional and personal skills needed to progress into employment, self- employment, further training and higher education according to their individual abilities, aptitudes and ambitions.
Students experiences and achievements at KS4 provide an excellent platform for further study and achievement at KS5.
Over the last year, students have been able to listen to a wide range of business speakers including marketing experts, PR specialists, ‘Big 4’ accountants, Bank of England directors and ex-students who have launched their own businesses.
At KS4, pupils have their first opportunity to pursue their own business ideas with challenges designed to yield profit and a formal marketing presentation to industry specialists based on a specific advertising brief. Last year, a group of Business students attended an enterprise project run by The Museum of Brands.
Head of Computing, Media & Social Sciences Faculty
Oliver Rosen |
Subject Lead
Lambros Pastou |
Kwasi Abrokwah |
Curriculum Intent, Map and Long Term Plan
- Business Curriculum Intent and Enrichment opportunities
- Business Curriculum Overview
- Business Long term plan
- GCSE Curriculum Map
Autumn term:
Unit 1 Business in the real world
- Purpose and nature of business
- Business ownership
- Aims and objectives
- Stakeholders
- Location
- Expanding and planning
Unit 2 Influences on business
- Technology
- Ethical and environmental considerations
- Economic climate
- Legislation
- Globalisation and competitive environment
Spring term:
Unit 3 Business Operations
- Production processes
- The role of procurement
- The concept of quality
- Customer service
Summer term:
Unit 4 Human Resources
- Organisational structures
- Recruitment and selection of employees
- Motivating employees
- Training
Autumn term:
Unit 5 Marketing
- Identifying and understanding customers
- Segmentation
- Market research
- The Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Promotion, Place)
- The integrated Marketing Mix
Spring term:
Unit 6 Finance
- Sources of finance
- Purpose and components of financial statements
- Financial terms and calculations
- Analysing the financial performance of a business
Summer term:
Revision and examinations
- Y10 GCSE Business MTP Autumn HT1
- Y10 GCSE Business MTP Autumn HT2
- Y11 GCSE Business MTP Autumn HT1
- Y11 GCSE Business MTP Autumn HT2
GCSE Subject Specification
Please click through to the links to view more information on the AQA website.
Business - AQA Exam Board |
Suggested reading
- The Financial Times, The Economist, The Guardian
- BBC Bitesize, Seneca Learning
- Bloomberg Business News, Reuters Business, BBC Business News
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad
- Sun Tzu: the art of war for managers
- The power of many: Meg Whiteman and eBay
- Alibaba: the house that Jack Ma built
- Shoe Dog: a memoir by the creator of Nike
- The Toyota way: 14 management principles
- Made in America: the Walmart story
- any other business-related book