Year 8

I hope you and your family have enjoyed the summer break. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all your contributions and ongoing support throughout Year 7 that helped to make the transition a smooth and successful one for the year group. We are all very much looking forward to welcoming your child back to Acland Burghley this year

As your child begins Year 8, they will no longer be the youngest in the school, in fact they will be key role models for the incoming Year 7. We will be looking for the students to carry on demonstrating exceptional standards around school, both within the year group and towards the new members of our community, to reinforce a positive and stimulating environment for the younger students in our school. 

Our Year Team’s goal is to develop a group of high-achieving, well-rounded and resilient learners who are prepared for the wider world – Creating Excellence Together. 

This will be achieved through a continued focus on pupils... 

  • Being ready to learn, through excellent attendance and punctuality, correct equipment, and sustained effort and focus in lessons. 
  • Maintaining a calm and purposeful environment, through the way pupils conduct themselves around school and in the classroom. 
  • Creating a culture of kindness and respect, through their interactions with their peers, teachers, and other members of the school community. 

Understandably we have high expectations of all our students reaching their potential, and the team of dedicated form tutors will be working continuously with you and your child to ensure they achieve their potential. Whilst I am responsible for the progress and pastoral care of the year group, your child’s tutor should be the first point of contact, for both you and your child, for day-to-day issues and the monitoring of your child’s progress, whilst for subject-specific questions or concerns I recommend you reach out to the class teacher or the respective Head of Faculty for more tailored support.  

Should you have any questions about the above, would like to discuss more serious concerns, or have wider questions regarding your child’s progress and welfare, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. 

I hope this year will be a successful and enjoyable one for your child. We are all very excited to welcome them back into our community and help them achieve their potential in the diverse and stimulating environment that is Acland Burghley School! 


Sean McHugh
Y8 Team Leader

Director of Learning KS3

Annie Parkin 

Year Team Leader

Sean McHugh

Student Progress Leader

Eshu Christianson


Emily Dawson 

Jamie Duncan | 

Jenica Harper 

James McDonald |  

Louise Morrison | 

Hannah O'Mahoney  

Charlie Robinson |

Rob Stainsby 

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  • 26 Jun 2024
    Y8 Core Subject info Evening, AH
    Add Y8 Core Subject info Evening, AH to your calendar

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